All in Content Management's Seven Reasons for Your Company to Start an Internal Blog lists the following: 1. Your enterprise e-mail applications are not easy to search. 2. Your e-mail is lost in the eye of the “cc storm.” 3. Ex-employees can take it with them. 4. Too much wasted time checking in with colleagues. 5. With blogs, the humble and the egotist both win. 6. Organizational openness and accountability. 7. People might already be using them.

Five Factors That Influence Successful Corporate Adoption of Internal Social Media and Web 2.0 Initiatives

While tracking adoption of “web 2.0” applications such as internal blogs, wikis, and social book marking systems by large organizations, I’m seeing a couple of factors emerging that, anecdotally at least, appear to be associated with successful adoption.

Assessing Gartner Support for Corporate Web 2.0 Planning

Recently Dennis Howlett, another Social Media Collective member, wrote about Gartner and its views on Web 2.0. Since I had an opportunity recently on behalf of a client to do some digging through Gartner’s reports and data and to talk with a number of Gartner’s analysts, I thought I’d share here some of my own observations.
Ed Felten, in Judge Geeks Out, Says Cablevision DVR Infringes, provides an overviw of how technology played into a recent court decision on a case where Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp. was pitted against Cablevisions Systems Corp. (2007 WL 867093). The issue:
In a previous post I commented on the need to take into account, when developing strategies for implementing enterprise content management (ECM) systems, how social media can support not only internal and external corporate communications but also corporate innovation processes. In this post I discuss some of the issues associated with defining and assigning ownership and responsibility for such systems.