Dennis D. McDonald ( consults from Alexandria Virginia. His services include writing & research, proposal development, and project management.

Robert Rodriguez' “PLANET TERROR”

Robert Rodriguez' “PLANET TERROR”

A movie review by Dennis D. McDonald

I’m usually not partial to zombie movies but I really loved this one.

It’s loud, violent, gory, and funny.  Even though I never really saw movies like this when I was a kid, watching it reminded me of the stuff I thought I’d seen at the Route 40 Drive In Theater outside Columbus, Ohio. I don’t think I ever saw anything more exotic there than a Dr. Phibes movie but, in terms of nostalgia for a time-that-never-was, Rodriguez has movie clichés down pat:

  • unending gun ammo

  • splattering zombies

  • guns

  • explosions

  • macho tough guy hero

  • macho tough gal heroine

  • clueless cops

  • pick up trucks

  • explosions

  • chaos

  • cheesy matte paintings

  • guns

  • explosions

The bottom line for me was the sheer joy of movie making that comes through on the screen. You can almost see thought balloons coming out of the director’s head saying, “I know this scene doesn’t make any sense at all but, boy, it sure is gonna look good up there on the big screen!”

Sometimes that’s just what you want in a film. That’s what you get in Planet Terror

Media that feature “Zombies”

Edgar Wright's HOT FUZZ

Edgar Wright's HOT FUZZ

Zhang Yang's “SHOWER”

Zhang Yang's “SHOWER”