All in Linkedin

As discussed by Gloria Rand, recently Linkedin announced it will be ending RSS support for Linedin Groups. This feature allowed Linkedin group administrators to feed article links to groups automatically without reviewing each and every one. One possible upside of this move on Linkedin’s part is that it will be harder to flood groups with spam or unreviewed content.
An Associated Press story on Yahoo! News titled AMA wants doctors to swap idea online describes how the AMA has started an ad-free, subscriber based network for use by physicans in conjunction with Sermo, Inc. The network is used for sharing questions, answers, and medical opinions.
One question I have is how long "social networking" can be a viable business given its steady march into the mainstream. As more and more of our personal and online communications become potentially definable, acquirable, and -- what's really important -- sharable in social networking terms, social-networking-enabled communications will become the norm. When that happens, social networking "features" become commodities and, following basic economics, prices are driven down.