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Jean-François Richet's BLOOD FATHER

Movie review by Dennis D. McDonald

I'm a sucker for movies where the dad has to do extraordinary things to rescue his daughter from an evil situation. So it is with BLOOD FATHER which pits an in-recovery ex-con Mel Gibson against drug lords who have kidnapped his 17 year old daughter who has been missing for three years.

This is a terrific action movie that I had never heard of till I cruised through Vudu for the latest rentals. Once I saw Mel Gibson's name on it and with very fond memories of GET THE GRINGO I figured this was the perfect Tuesday night action film for me and Charlie.

We were not disappointed. The script is tight, action non-stop, acting universally excellent, photography beautiful, and editing very tightly coiled (by veteran Steven Rosenblum).

It's nearly perfect as an action/revenge fantasy dosed liberally with the father's concern for his daughter's safety. That I have never heard or seen anything about this 2016 film is simply crazy

If you are tired of superhero movies and want to see some real gritty action, this film is for you, leavened by a grizzled Mel Gibson who makes a living running a tattoo business out of his desert-parked trailer home. You also get to hear his movie daughter verbally harrass him for his inability to speak Spanish.

Review copyright (c) 2016 by Dennis D. McDonald